Can Passengers Sue the Driver?

car wreck with passenger. Can passengers sue the driver?Last week, a teenager was driving when the car ran into the median.  It subsequently flipped onto its side.  The driver was accompanied by two passengers.  There are no further reports about injuries.  So, what happens if you’re a in a one car accident in a car driven by someone else?  Can passengers sue the driver?

As with any car wreck, if you are hurt in an accident, seek immediate medical attention.  The reason for doing this, even if you think it will be fine, is to document any injuries.  X-rays and other tests can detect problems you may not realize.  Should you continue to experience problems, insurance adjusters will often try to blame them on something other than the collision.  After all, you didn’t even go see a doctor.  Remember, in an injury claim, the medical records become valuable evidence.

Who Will Pay for the Medical Expenses?

A lot of people avoid going to the emergency room when they are having pain because of fear over the bill. In Kentucky, a licensed driver must carry the state minimum required amount of insurance.  He/she and any passengers are automatically covered by no-fault insurance.  This is referred to as personal injury protection (“PIP” coverage).  It provides up to $10,000 in coverage for your medical expenses and lost wages.  There will also be a minimum of $25,000 in bodily injury coverage.

In addition, as a passenger, you have the right to file an injury claim against the driver’s insurance.  Can passengers sue the driver?  Yes, and in some cases, they absolutely should.

While the driver may be a relative, a close friend, or a complete stranger, if you received medical treatment, the bills for those exams, tests and procedures will be sent to you.  Why should you be responsible for someone else’s negligence?  If your injuries were substantial, the bills could run into the thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars.  The only viable option may be for passengers to file suit.  I don’t know about you, but if I wreck my vehicle, I would certainly want my friends and family taking care of and that they not have to pay for medical bills or be out of work without my insurance taking care of them.

But I’m Not the Type to File a Lawsuit

You may feel uncomfortable speaking to an attorney about pursuing a claim against someone.  That’s perfectly natural.  However, in today’s world, the financial burden of medical stay can be enormous.

The Roberts Law Office has been helping injured people for over 25 years.  We are happy to discuss your options.  When a person contacts us because they, or their family member, was in a car wreck while riding to Walmart, to the grocery store or even home from a high school or college athletic event, we understand their concerns.  We’ve worked with hundreds of them.

Can passengers sue the driver?  Yes.  It’s not a question of taking advantage of a situation.  It may be the only way to recoup the expenses you’ve incurred. 

We will pursue the claim only against the available insurance coverage, so your friend or family member is not out of pocket any money.  We will even look to other avenues for insurance coverage.  We offer free consultations.  Our office serves the western Kentucky region.  Our phone number is (270) 753-0053.