Car Accident

Car Accident Injury Attorney Serving Murray, Paducah, Hopkinsville and Western Kentucky

Personal Injury Lawyer Murray KYAre you looking for an experienced and highly recommended car accident and injury attorney in Murray or Southwestern Kentucky?  The Roberts Law Office has more than 30 years of experience as a personal injury lawyer representing people who have been injured in a car crash.  If you have been involved in a car accident we strongly recommend you see a doctor for a thorough check-up within 24 to 48 hours of the accident, even if you think you are uninjured.  Many injuries can actually take several weeks before your body experiences the pain and impact of what has happened.  Insurance companies can refuse to pay an injury claim if you do not see a doctor after the accident.  It’s better to be safe than sorry.

The next step is to contact the Roberts Law Office to learn more about how an injury claim is handled and why it is so important to have an experienced lawyer. The insurance company which is liable for compensating you for your injuries is focused on one thing: keeping the most profit possible for themselves by attempting to get you to settle your case for far less than you deserve. You only have one chance to settle your case or put it before a jury. You can’t go back several months or years down the road when new expenses arise. The Roberts Law Office works to ensure you recover full compensation under the law for the injuries you’ve been forced to suffer, and all of your resulting expenses now and in the future.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Western Kentucky?

Car Accident Lawyer Murray KYOur Kentucky courts look to a number of factors in determining whether a driver was negligent. Some examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Distracted driving – including eating, texting or e-mailing while driving
  • Reckless operation – going too fast or too slow
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Failing to signal
  • Running a stop sign, traffic light or other traffic control device
  • Failing to adjust driving for weather or traffic conditions
  • Turning into the path of oncoming traffic

The most common location of car accidents resulting in injury in Kentucky happen in an intersection.  The resulting side impact or “t-bone” crashes do not provide occupants of a vehicle with the same amount of protection as they actually would have in a head-on or rear end impact.

Side impacts unleash severe forces on the neck and spine as the body violently shifts during the impact of a car accident.  The resulting damage to the discs which are designed to protect your vertebrae may not actually create any symptoms for several weeks.  We have had many clients over the years who basically thought they weren’t injured after the initial accident, but were bedridden within a few weeks due to damage to the discs in their back or other soft tissue injuries.

Car accidents on the roads of Southwestern Kentucky may result in serious injuries.  Many injuries may result in the permanent loss of a range of motion in the legs, arms or fingers.  Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI can actually change the personality of the victim while impacting their ability to process information in the ways they used to.  This can make it difficult to handle interruptions, complex tasks or even a trip to the grocery store.

Small Town Service. Big City Results.

When you are involved in a car accident and injury you may be entitled to reimbursement of your lost wages and medical bills. If the accident was someone else’s fault, you may also be entitled to additional financial damages, including pain and suffering and an impaired capacity to earn. If the accident was someone else’s fault, you should be entitled to have your vehicle repaired or replaced. Even if the at-fault party does not have insurance, you may be able to pursue a claim against your own insurance company for your damages.

Insurance companies have trained adjustors and experienced lawyers helping them to defend claims. Insurance companies generally begin preparing the defense of their claims within hours after the wreck occurs. Therefore, it is vitally important for you to act quickly after being involved in a collision. Your actions can impact your rights and the recovery that you are able to obtain. Therefore, you need an attorney who is familiar with these claims and is also familiar with how insurance companies work to help you navigate through the process successfully.

Jeff Roberts has handled car accident and injury claims in Kentucky since 1992.  Jeff has the experience to handle your claim properly and to advise you through every step of the process to make sure you get the best outcome possible.  We help those who are injured in a car accident, truck crash, or motorcycle accident and seek the compensation they deserve under Kentucky law.

Contact an Experienced Murray, Hopkinsville and Western Kentucky Car Accident and Injury Lawyer

Have you or someone you love been injured in a car accident in Murray, Paducah, Hopkinsville or elsewhere in Western Kentucky?  The Roberts Law Office brings more than 30 years of experience to personal injury cases and is highly recommended by our former clients.  They value our skill, responsiveness and the compassion with which we handle their cases as well as the positive outcome we achieve.

Jeff Roberts will help you to understand the legal and financial issues associated with your case and aggressively pursue the fair compensation you deserve.  We invite you to contact us or call (270) 753-0053 for a free consultation and speak personally with an experienced and personable Murray car accident and injury attorney.  Learn how we will work to protect you and your family and seek just compensation so that you can focus on recovering from what has happened and moving forward with your life.

Attorney Jeff Roberts discusses workers' compensation appeals

Listen to Attorney Jeff Roberts Discuss Topics Related to Car Accidents.
Click the Links Below:

  • Episode 3: What to Do after a Traffic Accident
  • Episode 46: Car Wrecks Involving Negligent Drunk Drivers
  • Episode 49:  Distracted and Drowsy Driving Accidents
  • Episode 28:  Your Rights as a Passenger in a Car Wrecks
  • Episode 24:  Out of State Car Wrecks
  • Episode 47:  School Bus Collisions and Injuries

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