Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability Claims

SSDI / SSI Application Denial Attorney Serving Murray, Paducah, Hopkinsville and Western Kentucky

Approved Social Security Disability Claim Form on a desktop[/caption]

Have you lost your job, or are you unable to work due to a disability or disease?  You may qualify for the Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income disability programs administered by the Social Security Administration.  There are two primary options for most to consider:

  • Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI
  • Supplemental Security Income or SSI

My name is Jeff Roberts, and the Roberts Law Office is committed to helping those who qualify for these programs to receive the benefits to which they are entitled.  It is disappointing to know that most people who attempt to file their own application are rejected.  More than 70% of these applications are rejected nationwide.  As your Social Security Disability attorney, I am able to ensure that the appeal is completed accurately, and that all medical evidence is obtained, properly worded and properly submitted.  This significantly increases your likelihood of success.

What is SSDI or Social Security Disability Insurance?

Murray KY SSDI SSI LawyerSSDI or Social Security Disability Insurance is a Social Security benefit that you pay into while you are working.  SSDI helps those who are unable to work due to a qualifying psychological or physical disability.  Qualifying disabilities are severe, long term and cause total disability. “Severe” in this case means they prevent your ability to accomplish basic work tasks.

They also must be classified as “long term” meaning you will be out of work for at least one year. “Total disability” means you are not able to perform “Substantial Gainful Activity” or SGA, which is based on monthly income.

What is SSI or Supplemental Security Income?

SSI is a program that is designed to help those who are disabled, and have never been able to work and contribute to Social Security, or for those who have not worked long enough to meet the minimum requirements of SSDI. SSI provides a monthly payment for those who are blind, disabled or elderly. SSI qualification can be challenging as there are very low limits on income and assets.

What Happens if Your Application is Denied?

Social Security Disability AttorneyYou only have 60 days to file an appeal if your initial application is denied, and the majority of claims are denied at every level of the process.  If you have received an SSDI denial letter you should contact my office immediately so that I can work with your doctors, correct or add appropriate information, and meet the time requirements for the submission of your appeal.

Contact a Murray KY Social Security Disability Lawyer

Like workers’ compensation claims, Social Security disability and SSI disability cases have different proof elements. These are administrative cases. Like workers’ compensation cases, there are fewer attorneys who handle these cases. These cases are very important cases. The person is disabled.  If the claim is not handled correctly it can have a serious effect on the person and their family for the rest of that person’s life. Therefore, it is vital that you hire an attorney who knows this area of law and how to successfully pursue these cases.

Do you or someone you love need a Social Security Disability attorney in Murray, Paducah, Hopkinsville or elsewhere in Western Kentucky?  The Roberts Law Office brings more than 30 years of experience to social security cases and is highly recommended by our former clients.  They value our skill, responsiveness, and the compassion with which we handle their cases as well as the positive outcome we achieve.

Small Town Service.  Big City Results.

Jeff Roberts will help you to understand the legal and financial issues associated with your case and aggressively pursue the fair compensation you deserve.  We invite you to contact us or call (270) 753-0053 for a free consultation and speak personally with an experienced and personable Murray car accident and injury attorney.  Learn how we will work to protect you and your family and seek just compensation so that you can move forward with your life.

Attorney Jeff Roberts discusses workers' compensation appeals

Listen to Attorney Jeff Roberts Discuss Topics Related to Social Security Disability.
Click the Links Below:

  • Episode 22:  Social Security Disability Benefits
  • Episode 37:  Qualifying for Social Security Disability Benefits
  • Episode 48:  Back Injuries may Qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance

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