Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death Attorney in Murray Kentucky

Murray KY Wrongful Death LawyerWhen your family loses a loved one in an accident, it has a traumatic and long-term effect on you and your family. No one expects the sudden loss of a beloved family member in a fatal accident.  Who is responsible?  How are you going to pay for the final expenses?  How are you going to pay the bills in the future?  Can your family hold responsible parties financially accountable for your loss?  Your family deserves a Murray Kentucky wrongful death attorney with more than 25 years of experience holding responsible parties financially accountable in wrongful death actions.

If someone loses their life in a fatal accident due to the negligence of another party or parties it is legally known in Kentucky as a “wrongful death.” The Roberts Law Office represents the families of those who die in these accidents, and manage the legal and insurance related issues so that the family may focus on supporting each other, and grieving their loss. Kentucky law recognizes you can never replace the love of a spouse, parent or child or the time you would have enjoyed with them in the future. While there is no amount of money that can offset the loss of your loved one, the Roberts Law Firm holds those parties who are responsible financially accountable to seek full and fair compensation for your loss.

Small Town Service. Big City Results.

To prepare an effective case we thoroughly investigate the cause of the wrongful death.  One of the most common causes of wrongful death in Kentucky include car accidents, truck crashes and motorcycle accidents.  Jeff Roberts looks into all factors which may have contributed; such as whether the car accident was caused by reckless drunk driving or whether the fatality was a result of dangerous conditions on another’s property or a failure to exercise safety precautions.

Let Us Take Care Of All The Details So You Can Focus on Supporting One Another

Fatal Accident Attorney Murray KYWe understand the immediate concerns your family faces. In many cases, when a family has lost someone who was a primary wage earner or who contributes to the family’s finances, they may naturally be worried about how the bills will be paid.  The wrongful death action seeks compensation for the loss of income and future wages, as well as compensation for the loss of your loved one, and any suffering they were forced to endure.  Kentucky law also provides for the loss of comfort and companionship resulting from the loss of a spouse and the impact the loss of a parent will have upon a child.

Contact an Experienced Murray, Hopkinsville and Western Kentucky Wrongful Death Lawyer

Experienced Louisville Injury AttorneyHave you lost a beloved family member due to someone else’s negligence in Murray, Paducah, Hopkinsville or elsewhere in Western Kentucky?  The Roberts Law Office brings more than 30 years of experience to personal injury and wrongful death cases and is highly recommended by our former clients.  They value our skill, responsiveness, and the compassion with which we handle their cases as well as the positive outcome we achieve.

Jeff Roberts will help you to understand the legal and financial issues associated with your wrongful death case and aggressively pursue the fair compensation your family deserves.  We invite you to contact us or call (270) 753-0053 for a free consultation and speak personally with an experienced and personable Murray wrongful death attorney.  Learn how we will work to protect you and your family and seek just compensation so that you can focus on recovering from what has happened and supporting one another through this tragic and extremely difficult time.

Attorney Jeff Roberts answers, Can I can get workers' comp benefits if it was my fault?

Listen to Attorney Jeff Roberts Discuss Topics Related to Wrongful Death Claims.
Click the Link Below:

  • Episode 36:  Kentucky Workplace Fatality

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